Friday, 8 June 2012

DesktopSnowOK v.1.81

DesktopSnowOK is a small lightweight program that will let you add little winter magic to your Windows desktop. You can choose number of snow flakes, different flakes size and shape, as well as other textures such as ball, star, etc…
DesktopSnowOK won’t use much of your CPU resources. It does not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop, and can be carried on a small usb-stick or other memory device. It’s a small fun program for all Windows-NT systems.
– Very Small
– Low CPU usage
– 5-64 snow flakes
– Adjustable speed
– Several flakes textures (bitmaps)
– Optional transparency
– Optional deactivation by mouse movement or keyboard input
– Optional translation feature
– Portable

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